Malawi and Mozambique fight wild poliovirus

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Season 4, Episode 40

After Africa achieved wild poliovirus-free standing in 2020, the area confronted a setback with outbreaks recurring in Mozambique and Malawi in 2022.

Nonetheless, a swift international response by international locations and well being organisations, together with large-scale vaccination campaigns reaching 50 million youngsters throughout 5 nations, culminated in a suggestion this month by the impartial Poliovirus Outbreak Response Evaluation (OBRA) to declare the tip of the wild poliovirus sort 1 outbreaks in Southern Africa.

On this episode of Africa Science Focus, reporter Justice Baidoo speaks to public well being specialists to uncover the methods Southern African international locations adopted to struggle the illness.

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Africa Science Focus is produced by SciDev.Internet and distributed in affiliation together with your native radio station.

This piece was produced by SciDev.Internet’s Sub-Saharan Africa English desk.

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