Expense approval course of: Challenges, options and automation


Keep in mind the final time you made a enterprise expense? 

Who did you attain out to for reimbursement? How many individuals needed to approve your expense? What did you want for approval? How lengthy did it take the cash to achieve your checking account?

This technique of in search of approvals is a vital step within the expense administration course of. 

Welcome to the messy world of expense approvals!

Why do firms want to trace worker bills?

Monitoring all worker bills is important for a enterprise. A well-defined expense monitoring and approval course of for such bills is essential to:

  1. Observe firm spending patterns
  2. Detect expense fraud and mitigate monetary danger
  3. Save prices and improve the underside line
  4. Get higher money circulate visibility and management
  5. Environment friendly useful resource allocation and improved budgeting
  6. Quick expense reimbursements
  7. An excellent worker expertise

How do expense approvals work?

All firms have or want an expense approval course of in place. 

All expense approvals require prior authorization or approval after the expense has been incurred or a mixture of each.

Pre-authorized expense course of

Typically used when an expense is larger than typical, like an costly enterprise journey to a different nation, firms ask workers to hunt approval prematurely.

The worker seeks authorization from the supervisor prematurely and might spend on the go. 

The advantages of such a pre-approved course of are:

  1. Elevated policy-compliance
  2. Decreased danger of non-reimbursements
  3. Smoother worker expertise
  4. Higher monetary management

Any unplanned bills that aren’t pre-authorized have to be authorised and processed for reimbursement individually. 

Put up-expense approval course of

In a typical post-expense approval course of, an worker incurs an expense first and will get the approval later.

That is what the method often seems like:

  1. Expense submission: The worker must first report the expense utilizing an expense declare kind or file an expense report.
  2. Expense reporting: The expense report should then be authorised by the supervisor and verified by the finance division.

    The worker should submit all the required proof or paperwork, reminiscent of receipts or invoices, for a coverage compliance examine and auditing functions. 

  3. Verification and approval: As soon as the expense is verified, the finance group approves the expense declare and initiates the reimbursement if required.

This complete course of can take anyplace from per week to a month. In firms with no well-defined approval course of, it could actually take longer and even months.

What’s an expense report and the way to create one on excel? | Nanonets

An expense report is an in depth listing of enterprise bills incurred by an worker on behalf of the corporate. Examine the way to create expense experiences in Excel and the way to automate the expense reporting course of.

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Totally different strategies of expense monitoring and approvals

Relying on the corporate’s tips, workers file expense claims utilizing completely different strategies:

Receipt assortment

The standard expense approval course of requires workers to gather receipts. The finance division then verifies these expense receipts.

Monitoring all such receipts is tedious for workers and finance groups each.

Receipt scanner cell apps are changing such outdated paper receipt assortment processes. These apps enable workers to immediately add receipts by scanning or clicking a photograph and file expense claims. 

Built-in expense software program instruments additionally enable workers to find direct invoices or receipts from on a regular basis instruments like Gmail, Uber, and Credit score Card transactions to create hassle-free reimbursement claims.

Expense reimbursement and the expense reimbursement course of

Right here’s every little thing it’s worthwhile to find out about expense reimbursements, the expense reimbursement course of, and the methods to sort out challenges with automation in 2024.

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Per diem allowance

In some firms, workers are given a per diem allowance. The per diem price is supposed to cowl every little thing and removes the necessity for receipt verification. If the worker breaches the expense cap, it should come out of their pocket.

By capping completely different expense classes, such allowances additionally improve coverage compliance and assist firms save prices for sudden bills.

Pay as you go playing cards

Whereas many firms go for cashless reimbursements, pay as you go playing cards have emerged as a wonderful choice for pre-authorized expense processing.

Pay as you go playing cards are simple to load, observe, and spend. Additionally they have built-in compliance controls, and managers can customise spending limits for particular person group members. These bank cards can be utilized for worker expense administration, buying, and recurring vendor funds.


Pay as you go playing cards are an progressive different to per diem allowances, as firms can train higher management over them in real-time.

Company bank cards

Enterprises and corporations present company bank cards for workers who must spend extra. With customizable limits and controls, these firm bank cards present real-time spending visibility and empower workers with extra monetary freedom.

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10 largest challenges within the expense approval course of and their options

The standard post-expense approval course of will be lengthy and tedious. Let’s have a look at the frequent challenges and the steps to resolve them.

1. Limitless delays in approvals

As a number of stakeholders must authorize the expense declare, delays are frequent in expense approvals. 

The managers wait till the top of the month to get an general thought of the group’s spending and approve all bills. 

The finance group is overwhelmed with expense claims and has to chase down workers for required proof and documentation. In the meantime, workers are left hanging, working for supervisor approval or ready endlessly for reimbursements.


  1. Automate your approval workflow so that everybody is robotically despatched well timed reminders, notifications, or alerts to hurry up the method.
  2. Even for those who observe handbook expense approvals, set correct timelines for all approvers – workers, managers, and the finance group.

2. Inaccurate expense reporting

Workers submit incorrect expense claims or expense experiences with out correct documentation, set processes, and correct tips. Misplaced, illegible, or broken receipts are the commonest culprits in Excel-based. 

Some firms observe Excel-based expense reporting that includes handbook information entry. This creates a library of spreadsheets which can be liable to errors and result in delays in expense report approvals.


  1. Go paperless and guarantee environment friendly expense reporting with an OCR-enabled receipt scanning app that permits workers to seize and submit bills.
  2. Guarantee information extraction from the invoices/receipts is seamless to make sure the declare quantity matches the expense.
  3. Practice your workers with on-line sources that information them to report bills and file claims precisely.

10 Finest Receipt Scanner Apps in 2024

We’ve discovered 10 receipt scanner apps that assist you to digitize receipts, extract related data, create expense experiences and handle all of your expenditure from one single app.

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3. Handbook expense verification

One in 5 expense experiences submitted by workers accommodates errors that the finance group must appropriate manually. Already overwhelmed finance groups should sift by way of every report line by line.

Such handbook processes can value companies closely.


  1. Use a instrument that offers real-time visibility of expense claims filed by workers so the finance group doesn’t have to attend until the top of the month.
  2. Go for an OCR-based expense verification instrument that precisely captures, verifies, flags, or approves expense claims.

4. Lengthy reimbursement cycles

Workers shouldn’t have to attend for weeks and months to get reimbursed. 

Even when the supervisor approves the declare, the processing and reimbursement are additional delayed, and months go by earlier than the reimbursement hits the checking account.


  1. Make pre-approvals an ordinary norm by asking managers to authorize the spend prematurely with a tailor-made price range.
  2. Set well-defined timelines for every division and approver, and guarantee they’re adopted meticulously for everybody.
  3. Equip workers with company bank cards or pay as you go playing cards to cut back the necessity for reimbursements.

5. Fraudulent claims

Expense claims are essentially the most inclined to fraud. The enterprise suffers when the handbook auditing fails to flag inflated claims or detect duplicate receipts.


  1. Have a exact expense categorization and implement strict compliance with a well-defined expense coverage.
  2. Hold a tab on recurring shopper presents or client-related reimbursement claims.
  3. Evaluate spending patterns throughout people, groups, and departments. Have strict spending limits and per diem allowances in place for various classes.
  4. Test anomalies associated to this point, receipt ID, and worth in receipts. Adopting an OCR-enabled expense instrument can flag such cases early on.
  5. Don’t wait till the top of the yr; carry out shock audits every so often to catch and stop fraud.

6. Rare expense claims

When workers ship expense experiences too late, it hampers the auditing course of. Rare expense claims additionally make it tough for firms to trace worker spending. 

The longer the time between every expense report submission, the longer the approval cycle.


  1. Have a fastened periodic expense reporting cycle—ideally biweekly or month-to-month expense reporting with quarterly auditing by the finance division.

7. No real-time expense visibility

Companies depend on a gentle money circulate to maintain operations.

An absence of real-time spend visibility hampers the budgeting course of and notably impacts small enterprise homeowners.


  1. Make pre-approval the norm for some, if not all, expense classes. This may scale back volatility and assist group leads higher handle and make the most of the budgets.
  2. Use expense software program with an expense dashboard to trace and handle all worker spending in a single place.

8. Lack of compliance

When workers do not perceive the corporate’s reimbursement coverage and tips, they submit incorrect expense claims and expense approvals get delayed.

Such unaware workers make out-of-pocket bills and have their reimbursement claims rejected attributable to non-compliance.

Even with a well-defined expense coverage, checking each expense for compliance will be extraordinarily time-consuming and tedious for the finance group. 


  1. Strictly implement an expense coverage that outlines eligibility, expense classes, spending limits, documentation necessities, and so forth., intimately.
  2. Use built-in controls in your expense instrument to extend compliance with spend limits or out-of-policy expense classes. As an illustration, your instrument ought to be capable to add a spend restrict on meal allowances.
  3. Permit workers to take away or scale back private bills from receipts in expense claims.

    For instance, if an expense declare for a resort keep on a enterprise journey contains non-compliant bills like laundry or alcohol for private consumption, workers will be allowed to cut back the equal quantity from the reimbursement declare.

  4. Guarantee your organization coverage is tax-compliant and up to date periodically.
  5. Talk your expense coverage continuously to your workers. 

Pattern Worker Enterprise Expense Coverage Template

Use our Worker Enterprise Expense Coverage template to design a great expense coverage guaranteeing monetary management and compliance for your small business.

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9. Advanced multi-level approval construction

Workers typically want a number of approvals throughout completely different departments for expensive bills or bills that fall beneath a selected class. This will dramatically delay the approval course of.


  1. Set up a tradition of accountability to make sure well timed approvals. Guarantee every stakeholder follows correct documentation to have a transparent audit path.
  2. Have a follow-up mechanism and deviation workflows to make sure your approval course of doesn’t depend on only one or a couple of people.
  3. Automate all multi-level approvals with customizable workflow automation instruments.

10. Lack of integration 

Integrating your expense administration instruments with different finance and accounting software program stays difficult for a lot of firms. 

With out correctly implementing integration with all of your pre-existing instruments, automation can create extra points than remedy them and shortly grow to be expensive. 


  1. Guarantee your expense approval system is correctly built-in into your core accounting and ERP software program to work as a unified system.
  2. Prioritize interoperability and scalability whereas automating any workflow step with a brand new instrument. The info circulate and synchronization have to be seamless. 

Utilizing AI to streamline expense approval course of

Finance departments have been utilizing synthetic intelligence for a while now, for instance, within the type of OCR-based scanner apps. 

Firms are quickly adopting machine studying to coach their fashions to identify fraudulent actions, prepare and adapt to new rules, and grow to be compliant.

In expense approvals, the use case for AI/ML is gigantic. Let’s see how you need to use a few of these to streamline your approval course of: 

Workers can simply convert receipts and expense claims into readable information utilizing a knowledge extraction instrument. Such instruments simplify expense submission and verification by populating fields like quantity, date, service provider/vendor information, expense class, and so forth.

Utilizing these information extraction instruments, bills will be simply captured from emails, bank card transactions, and even paper receipts utilizing receipt scanner apps.

Approval workflow automation

With automated request submissions and workflows, workers can simply submit and approve spending requests asynchronously. These AI-driven workflows can robotically route and escalate claims to the proper approver based mostly on personalized approval ranges.

Spend administration system

A spend administration system manages worker bills and general firm spending. A platform that utterly integrates with all pre-existing ERP instruments may also help you save prices, keep tax and policy-compliant, and handle spending successfully. 

Such expense administration software program or spend administration platforms come outfitted with functionalities like immediate expense experiences, customizable dashboards, and real-time analytics that firms can customise.

How you can automate expense approval workflows with Nanonets

Nanonets provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for workers to submit spending requests, connect supporting documentation, and automate your approval course of seamlessly.

Automated receipt seize

Workers snap photographs of their receipts. Nanonets’ OCR know-how immediately captures and digitizes the info.


Generate expense experiences simply

The system robotically populates expense experiences utilizing the captured information and exports it into your software program of selection.


Arrange personalized approval workflows

Configure your approval workflow and customise deviations as per your expense coverage.

Managers obtain immediate notifications, transferring the method alongside on the velocity of an e-mail. They’ll overview experiences extra effectively, aided by AI that flags anomalies or coverage violations. 


By implementing Nanonets, firms remodel their expense approval workflow from a sluggish, handbook course of into a quick, automated, and practically easy system.

Last phrase

So there we now have it, a whirlwind tour by way of the dynamic world of expense approvals.

Implementing a well-defined expense approval course of is important for firms to keep up monetary management, mitigate dangers, and guarantee accountable spending practices.

Utilizing the options listed on this article may also help you plug within the gaps in your expense administration course of and set up a sturdy framework for managing approvals.

Regularly Requested Questions (FAQs)

Q. Which bills require approvals?

A. Sometimes all enterprise bills incurred by workers should be authorised by their supervisor and the finance division. These bills are often categorized into journey, meals and leisure, workplace provides, and miscellaneous bills.

Right here’s an entire listing of expense classes to make use of.

Q. Who approves bills in an organization?

A. Relying in your firm’s expense coverage, the bills should be authorised by related approvers. Often these embrace your supervisor and the finance division. Relying on different components like sure expense classes or the quantity of expense, the expense approvers can change and contain different folks.

Q. What’s the technique of expense authorization?

A. The frequent technique of expense authorization requires workers to avoid wasting receipts or related proof of bills and get them authorised by managers and the finance division. In sure instances, managers additionally pre-approve bills, and corporations present allowances or pay as you go playing cards to incur bills instantly. 

Q. How lengthy ought to expense approval take?

A. Expense approvals can take anyplace from a couple of days to a number of weeks. If the method includes reimbursing the worker, the finance division will confirm and approve the declare. This complete reimbursement course of can take longer and often goes upto a month. 

Firms often use AI instruments to hurry up the approval course of and slash the approval cycle to some days as a substitute of weeks.

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