Gene enhancing could assist rice higher stand up to local weather change

hands holding rice grains in the field

1030 ISEF 2024 CRISPR rice feat

activate: (in biology) To activate, as with a gene or chemical response.

annual: Adjective for one thing that occurs yearly. (in botany) A plant that lives just one yr, so it normally has a showy flower and produces many seeds.

cell: (in biology) The smallest structural and useful unit of an organism. Usually too small to see with the unaided eye, it consists of a watery fluid surrounded by a membrane or wall.

chemical: A substance fashioned from two or extra atoms that unite (bond) in a hard and fast proportion and construction. For instance, water is a chemical made when two hydrogen atoms bond to at least one oxygen atom. Its chemical method is H2O. Chemical additionally will be an adjective to explain properties of supplies which might be the results of varied reactions between totally different compounds.

chloroplast: A tiny construction within the cells of inexperienced algae and inexperienced vegetation that include chlorophyll and creates glucose by means of photosynthesis.

local weather: The climate circumstances that usually exist in a single space, usually, or over a protracted interval.

local weather change: Lengthy-term, vital change within the local weather of Earth. It may well occur naturally or in response to human actions, together with the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests.

part: One thing that’s a part of one thing else (equivalent to items that go on an digital circuit board or elements that go right into a cookie recipe).

CRISPR: An abbreviation — pronounced crisper — for the time period “clustered recurrently interspaced quick palindromic repeats.” These are items of RNA, an information-carrying molecule. They’ll information an enzyme, referred to as Cas9, to chop by means of genetic materials like a scissors. On this manner, they will edit — or alter — particular genes in order that they will then examine how these genes works, restore injury to damaged genes, insert new genes or disable dangerous ones.

crop: (in agriculture) A kind of plant grown deliberately grown and nurtured by farmers, equivalent to corn, espresso or tomatoes. Or the time period might apply to the a part of the plant harvested and bought by farmers.

dehydrate: To lose a considerable amount of water.

DNA: (quick for deoxyribonucleic acid) An extended, double-stranded and spiral-shaped molecule inside most residing cells that carries genetic directions. It’s constructed on a spine of phosphorus, oxygen, and carbon atoms. In all residing issues, from vegetation and animals to microbes, these directions inform cells which molecules to make.

downstream: Additional on within the path through which a stream is flowing or the trail at which stream water will movement in its trek to in direction of the oceans.

drought: An prolonged interval of abnormally low rainfall; a scarcity of water ensuing from this.

engineering: The sphere of analysis that makes use of math and science to resolve sensible issues. Somebody who works on this area is named an engineer.

issue: One thing that performs a task in a selected situation or occasion; a contributor.

fertilizer: Nitrogen, phosphorus and different plant vitamins added to soil, water or foliage to spice up crop development or to replenish vitamins that had been misplaced earlier as they had been utilized by plant roots or leaves.

gene: (adj. genetic) A section of DNA that codes, or holds directions, for a cell’s manufacturing of a protein. Offspring inherit genes from their mother and father. Genes affect how an organism seems to be and behaves.

highschool: A designation for grades 9 by means of 12 within the U.S. system of obligatory public training. Excessive-school graduates could apply to high schools for additional, superior training.

microscope: An instrument used to view objects, like micro organism, or the only cells of vegetation or animals, which might be too small to be seen to the unaided eye.

bodily: (adj.) A time period for issues that exist in the true world, versus in recollections or the creativeness. It may well additionally confer with properties of supplies which might be resulting from their measurement and non-chemical interactions (equivalent to when one block slams with drive into one other). (in biology and medication) The time period can confer with the physique, as in a bodily examination or bodily exercise.

polyethylene: A plastic created from chemical substances which have been refined (produced from) crude oil and/or pure gasoline. The commonest plastic on the earth, it’s versatile and hard. It can also resist radiation.

protein: A compound created from a number of lengthy chains of amino acids. Proteins are a vital a part of all residing organisms. They kind the premise of residing cells, muscle and tissues; in addition they do the work within cells. Antibodies, hemoglobin and enzymes are all examples of proteins. Medicines steadily work by latching onto proteins.

Regeneron Worldwide Science and Engineering Truthful: (Regeneron ISEF) Initially launched in 1950, this competitors is considered one of three created (and nonetheless run) by the Society for Science. Annually now, roughly 2,000 highschool college students from as much as 70 international locations, areas, and territories are awarded the chance to showcase their unbiased analysis at Regeneron ISEF and to compete for a median some $9 million in prizes.

regulate: (n. regulation) To regulate with actions. Governments write guidelines and rules — legal guidelines — which might be enforced by police and the courts.

resilient: (n. resilience) To have the ability to recuperate pretty rapidly from obstacles or tough circumstances. (in supplies) The flexibility of one thing to spring again or recuperate to its unique form after bending or in any other case contorting the fabric.

seedling: The preliminary plant that sprouts leaves and roots after rising from a seed.

Society for Science: A nonprofit group created in 1921 and based mostly in Washington, D.C. Since its founding, the Society has been selling not solely public engagement in scientific analysis but in addition the general public understanding of science. It created and continues to run three famend science competitions: the Regeneron Science Expertise Search (begun in 1942), the Regeneron Worldwide Science and Engineering Truthful (initially launched in 1950) and the middle-school MASTERS competitors (from 2010 to 2022) that morphed into the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Problem (and launched in 2023). The Society additionally publishes award-winning journalism: in Science Information (launched in 1922) and Science Information Explores (created in 2003).

staple: (in vitamin) A meals that serves as a dominant supply of energy for a neighborhood or species. In individuals, as an example, simply three vegetation — rice, corn (maize) and wheat — account for roughly 60 % of energy eaten (based on the United Nations Meals and Agricultural Group). That makes these staples. However the quantities can differ by neighborhood.

stress: (in biology) An element — equivalent to uncommon temperatures, actions, moisture or air pollution — that impacts the well being of a species or ecosystem.

stressor: One thing that induces stress in a person or system.

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