Anjini Dhawan, the niece of actor Varun Dhawan, is getting ready to her Bollywood debut, a second that has been eagerly awaited. The primary look poster and launch date for the movie Binny and Household, the place she’s going to make her Bollywood debut, has been revealed. It’s a coming-of-age story in a household film. Amongst those that showered Anjini with love have been filmmaker Karan Johar and mates Khushi and Shanaya Kapoor.
The primary take a look at the upcoming movie Binny and Household was launched on social media right now, July 29, 2024. “Introducing Anjini Dhawan” was written on the poster, that includes the younger actress carrying headphones and an off-the-cuff look. Together with the remainder of the forged—Pankaj Kapur, Rajesh Kumar, Himani Shivpuri, and Charu Shankar—the poster featured debutante Naman Tripathy.
The caption mentioned, “Purane zamaane ke sanskaar v/s aajkal ke fashionable vichaar! Problems se bhari household hai Binny ki, par yeh kahaani hai hum sab ki.”
The caption additional said that August 30 is the film’s theatrical launch date, “Miliye Binny And Household se thirtieth August apne nazdeeki cinema gharon mein. #HarGenerationKuchKehtaHai.”
Anjini Dhawan’s family and friends supported her on social media. Varun Dhawan expressed his love in a remark beneath the announcement submit utilizing raised palms and crimson coronary heart emojis. Khushi Kapoor, Anjini’s finest buddy, additionally despatched coronary heart and crying face emojis. She even shared the poster on Instagram Tales. Shanaya Kapoor shared the primary glimpse on her Tales, utilizing emojis to specific her pleasure.
Each era might relate to the theme of this slice-of-life film, which centres on the dynamics of Binny’s household. The producers of Binny and Household are Shashank Khaitan, Mrighdeep Lamba, Waveband Productions, and Mahaveer Jain Movies, all beneath the route of Ektaa R Kapoor. Ssanjay Tripaathy is the movie’s author/director.
Supply: Instagram
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